Explore the beautiful wine region on the right bank of Bordeaux as you visit some of the finest wineries in Pomerol
AOC Pomerol is located in the region of Libournais, it forms a terrace above the Isle- a tributary of the Dordogne. Located near Libourne, the Pomerol appellation is famous for the famous Petrus, one of the rarest and most expensive vintages in the world. Unlike the Graves and Saint-Emilion, the Pomerol appellation was not included in the 1855 classification, but its reputation has risen up to the same level. Spread over 770 ha, the AOC produces around 31,000 hl of red wines each year.
In the wineries of Pomerol the Merlot is king! The clay soils of the terroir of this appellation allow it to express itself as nowhere else. It accounts for 80% of the grape variety and is often associated with Cabernet Franc (10%), Cabernet Sauvignon (8%) and Malbec (2%).
On the palate, the Pomerol combines a subtle finesse and intensity, in body and composition. Their supple, fleshy and velvety texture masks a great tannic power. They are opulent and sensual wines that can be enjoyed young but can also be worth waiting for, making them very much cellar-worthy. Pomerol develops with age bouquets of rare complexity and great finesse. They are also often compared to great wines of Burgundy.
Choose from one of our member wineries or contact our local travel expert to book yourself an exclusive wine experience in the wineries of Pomerol.