Explore the wineries of Montalcino in Tuscany and taste the finest wines from the region
Originally from the Sienese hills, Brunello di Montalcino is undoubtedly among the best known red wines both in Italy and in the rest of the world. It is produced only in the territory of Montalcino, therefore its limited production makes this wine of exceptional quality. Moreover, the older the wine the better it becomes. On your winery visit in Montalcino, you will be able to find out how the Brunello di Montalcino is produced and what its organoleptic characteristics are, which have made it - quite rightly - very popular both among experts and among simple wine lovers.
Brunello di Montalcino is a wine produced in the province of Siena and precisely, as its name derives, in the territory of the municipality of Montalcino; in 1960 this wine was awarded the DOC (Denomination of Controlled Origin) while, first-ever in Italy, since 1980 Brunello di Montalcino boasts of being a DOCG (Denomination of Controlled and Guaranteed Origin). The origin of this wine dates back to the second half of the nineteenth century, when the Montalcino Ferruccio Santi selected and began to vinify Sangiovese grapes known locally as "Brunello" because of the dark colour of the berries. However, the success did not come soon, due to the high price range of the wines owing to the great and scrupulous care taken both in the management of the vineyards and the cellar phases.
But the wine today is recognized and valued for its true potential. Thus the wineries of Montalcino make for a very interesting visit. Here you can take part in guided wine tasting and food pairing sessions which will help you learn the different characteristics and attributes of the wine. You can also indulge yourself in some gourmet lunches and picnics in the vineyards or the wineries to experience the local cuisine and wines. You may also visit the vineyards and wine cellars of these wineries to truly understand the winemaking process adapted from berry to bottle.
Contact our members or our local travel expert in Tuscany to book yourself exclusive visits to some of the finest wineries in Montalcino on your next wine vacation to Italy!