El Pago is the secret island, the hidden port that surprises the visitors with the serene outline of the country house, the green blanket covering everything, the generous pine trees that lull the decanting of such delicious nectar. A quiet atmosphere, feeling of expectant tranquility, and the magic that precedes the daily miracle of the production of wines that are already a cult objective amongst the good wine lovers.
Three types of tourism in one touristic visit. Pago de La Jaraba offers the visitors a unique and inimitable tour. With only one visit you can thoroughly get to know not just about how we elaborate our product, Wine, Artisan Manchego Cheese and Extra Virgin Olive Oil, but also about our raw materials.
La Jaraba was already a place with excellent conditions for agriculture and livestock, which allowed stable settlements throughout history: Iberians, Romans, Visigoths and later on Arabs; the latter gave it its current name, to be then recovered by the Kingdom of Castile, always linked, logically, to the history of Villarrobledo.