Explore the cuisine of the southern region of Uruguay as you visit the finest restaurants in Maldonado on your next food and wine vacation
In Maldonado, gastronomy fulfills a touristic role as important as its beaches and night-time establishments. From one summer to another these restaurants in Maldonado are in charge of providing the daily entertainment for thousands of tourists who visit the spas of this department of Uruguay.
Going out to eat is then part of the obligatory Fernandina activity for those who decide to visit Punta del Este, the city of Maldonado or spas such as La Barra and Manantiales.
This is the land of asado (barbeques), where meat, usually beef and offal are grilled over an open flame to create some of he most delicious dishes. They also make meat dishes in forms of soups and stews, with an incredible variety of offal and vegetables. The Spanish legacy here is evident in the form of the soups, which are happy to be on the table. These soups however are prepared with meats, like the buseca, oxtail, peas and beans! The restaurants in Maldonado also serve a lot of roast chicken and lamb preparations. Pork dishes, including sausages are also served here, at the beginning of the meal along with locally produced cold cuts - cooked or smoked hams, bacon, tocino etc. In some establishments you can also come across some less common meats such as rabbits, ducks and even boars!
In short, you will not be surprised if you are told that every Uruguayan consumes about 60 kilograms of beef a year- which is in fact, the most in the world! Moreover, the country held until recently the record of the largest barbecue ever organized, certified by the Guinness Book of Records until it was recently dethroned by their Argentinian neighbors!
Contact our member restaurants in Maldonado or get in touch with our local travel expert in the region to book yourself an incredible gourmet wine experience in the heart of Uruguay!