Combine History, Wine Production and Tastings in one single program...

Marvel at the richness of our landscape, visit the historic center of our estate and our wineries and cellars and finish off with a tasting of 3 of our best wines.

Theme : Art & Culture Duration : Half a day Groups : Yes

During this visit, travel to the vineyards, discover the new sustainable plantation techniques, the organic vines and the pioneering initiatives in the scope of sustainability. All this while observing different species of flora and fauna and unveiling the richness of our biodiversity.

Visit our historic center where you may visit the Perdigões Archaeological Museum that houses the most important pieces of our Archaeological Complex.

Then, continue with a guided tour to our cellars and wineries and a tasting of 3 wines… Learn the secrets of wine production and test your senses with a Defesa do Esporão White, Esporão Reserve Red and Murças Reserve Red tasting (depending on stock availability).


  • Van tour around Herdade do Esporão
  • Visit to the Historic Center
  • Guided tour to the wineries and cellars with a comparative wine tasting directly from the oak   barrels (French and American oak barrels comparison tasting)

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